Wat in eerste instantie een periode van een jaar zou worden, werden uiteindelijk elf jaar voor Boris Dittrich. Na een enerverende tijd als fractievoorzitter van D66 kwam hij in 2007 terecht bij mensenrechtenorganisatie Human Rights Watch. Tot voor kort reisde hij er de wereld voor rond. Tijdens zijn lange reizen zag hij ook nog eens kans om tijd te besteden aan zijn grootste passie: het schrijven van (misdaad)boeken.
Tekst: Paul Hofman
Waarom neemt hij zo plotseling afscheid van HRW? Is het alleen omdat hij een nieuwe politieke carrière ambieert of is er meer aan de hand? In zijn afscheidsbrief zegt hij “Het huidige politieke klimaat op het gebied van mensenrechten is bepaald niet gunstig.”
Dear colleagues,
This is my goodbye email. I will be leaving HRW as of September 30.
Initially I was hired for one year in 2007, but after more than eleven years I am still here, thoroughly enjoying my work and the inspiring company of my colleagues in the LGBT program, in the Berlin office and the rest of the organization.
So why am I leaving? Mainly for three reasons:
-The LGBT landscape has changed drastically since 2007. Many societies and institutions have become more diverse and accepting of LGBT people. Together with our partners and allies, HRW was at the forefront of positive impact and influence. See the op-ed I wrote (below I pasted the version that was published last Friday in The Advocate). I am forever grateful that I was part of the human rights (LGBT) movement. Although a lot of challenges remain and new obstacles will arise, for me the time has come to build on my HRW experience and continue the fight for equality and non-discrimination elsewhere.
-The current political climate is not very favourable for human rights. Populism, migration issues, antisemitism and xenophobia, homophobia and transphobia etc.—topics I deeply care about—need a powerful response from politicians. I believe that with my HRW experience I may have added value as a Dutch senator for the social-liberal party D66. That’s why I’ve decided to run for a Senate seat in the Netherlands. The elections for the Dutch Senate will be held in March and May 2019. I will start campaigning next month. If elected, I am sure our paths will cross in the Hague.
-To stay sane I will devote my spare time to writing the greatest Dutch novel of all time 😉 .
Being part of HRW has been one of the best experiences of my life. I’ve learned so much from you! Where else would you find a group of bright and dedicated idealists, in short, good people? You all have inspired me and will continue to do so in the future. I will miss HRW and am writing this farewell note with a bleeding heart.
Boris Dittrich
Human Rights Watch
Advocacy Director
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Program
Lees hier het commentaar ‘The Future Is Not in Front of Us, It’s Inside of Us’ dat Boris Dittrich schreef voor Advocate.